"Improving our world one step at a time."
Windsor High's Committee For Change

We Believe
“Committee For Change strives to SMILE: Spread awareness, Make change, Inspire students, Lead by example, and Empower students. These five core aspects are what have led CFC to its successes and its eminence on the Windsor High School campus. We are here to empower our fellow students and remind them that their voice wields immense power.”
WUSD Climate Resolution:
A coalition of teachers and students have developed a comprehensive Climate Emergency Resolution to be presented to the Windsor Unified School District Board of Trustees on August 4th. This four page legislative document is an imperative first step towards creating the environmentally conscious future we hope to achieve.

Social Media.
Check out our instagram @whscfc
We encourage everyone to contact us with questions about our club and what you would like to see happen on our Windsor High School campus.
REMINDER: PEC is the Permanent Executive Council that are the five leaders of the Committee for Change. Non-WHS Staff or Students must pass through administration to receive a visitor's pass before entering campus.
Meeting Times.
Club Meeting Time:
Tuesdays at Lunch (11:35-12:10)
L102, Windsor High School
Remind Code:
Enter this number- 81010
Text- @whscfc
Email: cfcpec@gmail.com